We integrate our strengths, knowledge and experience for the development of business in an innovative, serious and professional environment, with social and environmental responsibility.
We analyze scenarios and explore new market opportunities and investment possibilities. The development and access to new technologies, innovation in management methods and prospective capacity are a priority in our work.

Achieving, through intermediation, the possibility of optimizing projects between potential foreign investors and the opportunities offered by the domestic market.
The wide network that ARGATE has with its international credentials and connections, allows us to offer consulting services for the design and development of new business initiatives, to encourage foreign trade and to foster investment opportunities.

Achieving investments in the area of renewable energies by leveraging the advantages offered by existing laws and regulations.
We have established an office in Chicago, one of the main centers of economic and financial activity in the United States, expanding our networks with companies, chambers of commerce and financial institutions in that area.

We integrate our strengths, knowledge and experience for the development of business in an innovative, serious and professional environment, with social and environmental responsibility.
We analyze scenarios and explore new market opportunities and investment possibilities. The development and access to new technologies, innovation in management methods and prospective capacity are a priority in our work.

Achieving, through intermediation, the possibility of optimizing projects between potential foreign investors and the opportunities offered by the domestic market.
The wide network that ARGATE has with its international credentials and connections, allows us to offer consulting services for the design and development of new business initiatives, to encourage foreign trade and to foster investment opportunities.

Achieving investments in the area of renewable energies by leveraging the advantages offered by existing laws and regulations.
We have established an office in Chicago, one of the main centers of economic and financial activity in the United States, expanding our networks with companies, chambers of commerce and financial institutions in that area.

International Networks
To provide contacts and synergies that allow for partnerships to develop new companies.
Project Analyses
A multidisciplinary and high-level professional platform to assess objective conditions in all areas.
Financial and Business Intelligence
The ability to anticipate in a complex and constantly evolving world.
Legal and Administrative Services
A legal setting to advise and provide an adequate legal framework for our clients’ initiatives.
Prospective and Innovation
Our global work is carried out with a forward-thinking approach to study and identify opportunities and potential risks. We employ new technologies to constantly assess the conditions of the financial markets and international trade.
Investment Projects
The projects we offer include wind and solar energy developments which are duly appraised financially and on their performance, their connections and environmental impact.
The respective authorizations have been processed or are in the final stages of study. These include the following:
Parque EOLIV_819
Wind farm developed in the IV Region, near the Talinay complex, in [xx] hectares,considers technology [xxxxx], and an annual operation [x%].
- Kind: Power Generation
- Power: 39 Mega
- Estimated Project Valuation: USD 45 mill.
- Date of Operation: ago-19
- Advance Project and state Permits: 100%
- Owner: 25% Sociedad VV / 75% Sociedad XX
- Financing proposal: Participation in ownership with clause of future purchase of the participation, or in its absence contribution of debt or combination betweenboth.
- Financing Required Commercial: USD 7 mill.
- Observations: Project developed for sale under contract with ……. (spot market – stabilized price)
- Technical observations: It is connected to the substation of … … distant to xx km of the project.
Investment Projects
The projects we offer include wind and solar energy developments which are duly appraised financially and on their performance, their connections and environmental impact.
The respective authorizations have been processed or are in the final stages of study. These include the following:
Parque Eólico Camarico
Wind farm developed in the IV Region, it is located between the Monte Redondo wind farm and the Punta Sierra wind farm, km 320 Ruta 5 Norte, in Hacienda Camarico. Consider using Goldwind wind turbines 3.4 Mw each, and a Plant factor of 25%.
- Kind: Wind Generation
- Power: 39 Mega is the Environmental Licensing. 37.4 will be the installed power (11 turbines of 3.4 Mw)
- Estimated Project Valuation: USD 46 mill.
- Date of Operation: Probable start of construction in the month of October 2019. It has all the permits per day.
- Advance Project and state Permits: 100% environmental approval and sector permits.
- Owner: 25% Sociedad Viento Verde SpA; 75% Opus 5 Society. 75% Opus 5 USA Society, Korean capitals
- Financing proposal: Participation in ownership with clause of future purchase of the participation, or alternatively granting a loan.
- Observations: Project developed for spot market sale.
- Technical observations: It It is connected in the substation of Punta Sierra distant 2.8 km from the project.
Investment Projects
The projects we offer include wind and solar energy developments which are duly appraised financially and on their performance, their connections and environmental impact.
The respective authorizations have been processed or are in the final stages of study. These include the following:
KPP Santa Rita
Project using German technology Kinetic Power Plant (KPP), which has 20 years of development. Currently in operation in Thailand and starting construction of plant in Chile, Mexico and Germany. It generates electricity in the same place of consumption (Alto Jahuel). Use gravity and flotation as primary energy. They occupy very little space. Produce 24/7.
- Kind: Kinetic Power Plant Generation
- Power: 7 Mw
- Estimated Project Valuation: USD 20 million
- Advance Project and state Permits: Project ready to enter the construction stage, with approved environmental permits; with RCA.
- Owner: 100% Energy Company Limited (EIL).
- Financing proposal: Participation in ownership with clause of future purchase of the participation, or alternatively granting a loan.
- Observations: Energy consumption contract (PPA) with Viña Santa Rita and balance of energy is sold to SEN as PMGD, at a stabilized price.
- Technical observations: It is connected to the internal network of Viña Santa Rita and to the distribution network of CGE of Buin SE. Lines of 15 kv pass by outside the Vineyard.
Investment Projects
The projects we offer include wind and solar energy developments which are duly appraised financially and on their performance, their connections and environmental impact.
The respective authorizations have been processed or are in the final stages of study. These include the following:
Condominio Solar Combarbalá
8 solar power generation plants in the IV Region, in 60 hectares. It considers solar PV technology, and a plant factor of 25% per year.
- Kind: Solar generation
- Power: 9 MW each plant
- Estimated Project Valuation: USD 8 million for each plant
- Advance Project and state Permits: Project to develop. Estimated time period for obtaining environmental permits: 12 months.
- Owner: 100% Energy Company I Limited
- Financing proposal: Participation in ownership with clause of future purchase of the participation, or alternatively granting a loan.
- Observations: The energy will be sold to the SEN as PMG, at a stabilized price.
- Technical observations: The 9 Mw plants will be connected as PMG to the SE of the Combarbalá backup plant in 110 Kv.
Investment Projects
The projects we offer include wind and solar energy developments which are duly appraised financially and on their performance, their connections and environmental impact.
The respective authorizations have been processed or are in the final stages of study. These include the following:
Planta Solar Piedra Verde
1 solar power generation plant in the IV Region
- Kind: Solar generation
- Power: 3 MW
- Estimated Project Valuation: USD 2.4 million
- Advance Project and state Permits: Project to develop. Estimated time period for obtaining environmental permits: 12 months. Probable start of construction in the month of October 2019. It has all the permits per day.
- Owner: 100% Energy Company I Limited
- Financing proposal: Participation in ownership with clause of future purchase of the participation, or alternatively granting a loan.
- Observations: Sale price of energy at the price stabilized as PMGD or PMG.
- Technical observations: The plant can be connected to the SE of the Combarbalá Support Plant as PMG and / or to the Distribution network, as PMGD.
Investment Projects
The projects we offer include wind and solar energy developments which are duly appraised financially and on their performance, their connections and environmental impact.
The respective authorizations have been processed or are in the final stages of study. These include the following:
Planta Cala Morritos
Backup plant with diesel engines. Supports the SEN, especially renewable energy generation plants. It will be installed in 4 hectares.
- Kind: Thermos
- Power: 200 MW
- Estimated Project Valuation: USD 93 million
- Date of Operation: Start Operation: December 2020.
- Advance Project and state Permits: Project is in environmental licensing. Estimated RCA date: July 2019. Construction start: December 2019.
- Owner: 100% Energy Company I Limited
- Financing proposal: Participation in ownership with clause of future purchase of the participation, or alternatively granting a loan.
- Observations: Project designed to support the National Electric System. Existing business model also generates revenue through payment for installed power.
- Technical observations: Plant with 200 Mw. It will be connected to the SEN (National Electric System) in the SE Punta Sierra, in tension of 220Kv.
Executive Director
Carlos Appelgren B.
He studied Economics at Universidad de Chile and then a Master’s Degree in Political Science at George Mason University (Virginia, USA). He graduated from the Diplomatic Academy of Chile and developed a career in that field, being stationed in Panama, the United States and Argentina. He was Ambassador of Chile to New Zealand (2000-2004); to Uruguay and served as Permanent Representative to the Latin American Free Trade Association (2004-2006); Ambassador to Belgium, to Luxembourg and Representative to the European Union (2009-2016) initiating the modernization of the Association Agreement between Chile and the EU. He has been an academic, director of Foundations and Advisor to companies; he has written several specialized articles and edited two fiction books. Founder of Argate Consultores, he has an extensive network of international business contacts.
Executive Director
Eduardo Rodríguez Guarachi
Lawyer and diplomat. He has extensive international experience in different countries and was also Director of Fundación del Pacífico, President of the consulting firm «Energy and Mining» Rayden Energy and member of the Senior Management Council of Universidad Diego Portales, where he also serves as an academic of International Economic Relations. In 2011, the President of Armenia, Serzh Sargsyan, appointed him as Honorary Consul of Armenia in Chile, a position he holds to this day.
Executive Director
Aurelio Barria M.
He studied Economics and Business Administration at Villanova University and then obtained a Post Graduate Degree in Economic Planning at the Institute of Social Studies in The Hague.
He served as a Diplomat at the Panamanian Embassy in the United States, Washington DC.
He was President of the Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Agriculture of Panama and is currently a Director and business consultant.
Since 1992, he has been Executive Vice President of Motta Internacional, S.A. and member of the Board of Directors of Corporación La Prensa, S.A.
Communications and Networking Director
Macarena Cáceres M.
With over a decade of expertise in communications, marketing, and soft skills, she has dedicated her professional career to fostering strategic partnerships, building support systems, and connecting institutions, businesses, and customers. A notable accomplishment is her involvement in initiatives spearheaded by Mercosur, actively promoting commercial and cultural exchange between nations.
Associate Consultant
Luis Felipe Cristi D.
He holds a bachelor degree in business administration from the Universidad de Chile and has worked as Assistant Professor and Professor at the School of Economics and Business at the Universidad de Chile. He assumes the position of Studies Manager 0at Lloyd’s de Chile Insurance Company and Finance Manager at Continental Insurance Company. He is part of Fundación para el Desarrollo Sostenible (FUNDES, Foundation for Sustainable Development), where he serves as International Development Manager. He assumes the General Management of the company Mas Cerca Call Center S.A., in which he participates in its ownership, until its sale. Subsequently, he became General Manager of the last mile company Integrapost S.A. He is currently an advisor and director of the company.
Executive Director
Carlos Appelgren B.
He studied Economics at Universidad de Chile and then a Master’s Degree in Political Science at George Mason University (Virginia, USA). He graduated from the Diplomatic Academy of Chile and developed a career in that field, being stationed in Panama, the United States and Argentina. He was Ambassador of Chile to New Zealand (2000-2004); to Uruguay and served as Permanent Representative to the Latin American Free Trade Association (2004-2006); Ambassador to Belgium, to Luxembourg and Representative to the European Union (2009-2016) initiating the modernization of the Association Agreement between Chile and the EU. He has been an academic, director of Foundations and Advisor to companies; he has written several specialized articles and edited two fiction books. Founder of Argate Consultores, he has an extensive network of international business contacts.
Executive Director
Eduardo Rodríguez Guarachi
Lawyer and diplomat. He has extensive international experience in different countries and was also Director of Fundación del Pacífico, President of the consulting firm «Energy and Mining» Rayden Energy and member of the Senior Management Council of Universidad Diego Portales, where he also serves as an academic of International Economic Relations. In 2011, the President of Armenia, Serzh Sargsyan, appointed him as Honorary Consul of Armenia in Chile, a position he holds to this day.
Executive Director
Aurelio Barria M.
He studied Economics and Business Administration at Villanova University and then obtained a Post Graduate Degree in Economic Planning at the Institute of Social Studies in The Hague.
He served as a Diplomat at the Panamanian Embassy in the United States, Washington DC.
He was President of the Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Agriculture of Panama and is currently a Director and business consultant.
Since 1992, he has been Executive Vice President of Motta Internacional, S.A. and member of the Board of Directors of Corporación La Prensa, S.A.
Communications and Networking Director
Macarena Caceres M.
With over a decade of expertise in communications, marketing, and soft skills, she has dedicated her professional career to fostering strategic partnerships, building support systems, and connecting institutions, businesses, and customers. A notable accomplishment is her involvement in initiatives spearheaded by Mercosur, actively promoting commercial and cultural exchange between nations.
Associate Consultant
Luis Felipe Cristi D.
He holds a bachelor degree in business administration from the Universidad de Chile and has worked as Assistant Professor and Professor at the School of Economics and Business at the Universidad de Chile. He assumes the position of Studies Manager 0at Lloyd’s de Chile Insurance Company and Finance Manager at Continental Insurance Company. He is part of Fundación para el Desarrollo Sostenible (FUNDES, Foundation for Sustainable Development), where he serves as International Development Manager. He assumes the General Management of the company Mas Cerca Call Center S.A., in which he participates in its ownership, until its sale. Subsequently, he became General Manager of the last mile company Integrapost S.A. He is currently an advisor and director of the company.
Our strategic alliance partners:

Contact us
Monjitas 392, Santiago
+562 3223 4700 | +569 4442 2420
1513 W Sunnyside Av. Chicago, Illinois – 60640
ARGATE S.A.© Todos los derechos reservados. MITA